Short Circuit Ruggedness Low Switching Losses IGBT Inverter Module Low Inductance Case
Quick Detail:
Molding Type Module
650V/600A 2 in one-package
ultra low conduction loss
short circuit ruggedness
designed for the applications such as
general inverters and UPS
Low VCE(sat) Trench IGBT technology
Low switching losses
Maximum junction temperature 175
8μs short circuit capability
Square RBSOA
VCE(sat)with positive temperature coefficient
Low inductance case
Fast & soft reverse recovery anti-parallel FWD
Isolated copper baseplate using DBC technology
Typical Applications :
Inverter for motor drive
AC and DC servo drive amplifier
Uninterruptible power supply
Terms and Conditions of Usage :
The data contained in this product datasheet is exclusively intended for technically trained staff.
you and your technical departments will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the
intended application and the completeness of the product data with respect to such application.
Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on
the types in question please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you.
This product data sheet is describing the characteristics of this product for which a warranty is
granted. Any such warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply
agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its characteristics.
Should you intend to use the Product in aviation applications, in health or live endangering or life
support applications, please notify.
If and to the extent necessary, please forward equivalent notices to your customers.
Changes of this product data sheet are reserved.